Our goodbye letters to The Nuanced Life

The Nuanced Life has been a gift. Being invited to celebrate with all of you, being invited to grieve alongside of you, being invited to sometimes shrug our shoulders and say, “I don’t know but I seems important!” Has been the biggest blessing. It has made me better.

In some ways, I am so sad to say goodbye to the show even though I know it is the right thing to do. I think I can only sign off with confidence because I know this is only goodbye to the show and not to all of you. We will keep commemorating and giving advice and connecting with this amazing community in new and different ways in 2021 and I’m excited for that. 

To everything there is a season and these four years of The Nuance Life has been a life-giving one. Thank you for trusting us. Thank you for listening.


One of the most important aspects of living wisely is feeling understood. Celebrating small fortunes, lamenting mistakes, and grieving daily losses - the moments are part of our human connective tissue. 

Fundamentally, The Nuanced Life has helped me feel less lonely, and that is a gift for which I’ll always be grateful

The Nuanced Life has also shown me the wisdom in endings and in focusing on energy where it is most needed. So, I celebrate this change in season and commit to staying connected. 


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